What Do I Do With My Hands?!
You’re on your bike, feeling good, pedaling strong. But wait, what am I supposed to do with my hands?! I use 3 different indoor cycling hand positions throughout my rides and they are outlined below.
Indoor Cycling Hand Positions
Hand Position Inside 2
Hands are on the inside of the handlebars, palms facing down. Keep hands loose and elbows in line with wrists. Good for seated and standing positions.

Hand Position Outside 2
Hands are on the outside of the handlebars, palms facing toward each other. Keep hands loose and elbows in line with wrists. Good for seated and standing positions. This is my preferred seated hand position.

Hand Position 3
Hands are on the outside of the handlebars, at the top end furthest from the bike seat. Palms face toward each other, keeping hands loose and elbows in line with wrists. Use Hand Position 3 for standing positions only.

*You may be wondering about Hand Position 1: I have my indoor cycling certification through AFAA but do not generally use their Hand Position 1 – where hands rest in a half circle in the center of the inside handlebars. If you want to use this position it is good for warm-ups and cool-downs. Hand Position names are from Aerobics and Fitness Association of America.
Now you will know exactly what to do with your hands during your next ICOD class and will feel comfortable and confident in your ride.
Happy Cycling!